Thursday, May 19, 2011

First OBGYN visit...

Well, I have to admit that I was unsettled going into out first appt. Luckily Greg took the whole day off to be there for us and comfort me the whole way through :)
I have been having a really bad cramp (bruise feeling) on my left side and I just knew something was going to be wrong but in the end Mama and baby are in tip top shape!
Why did I doubt it?? ha-ha.
Well, I know that isn't going to be the last of my fears but I will try to keep them to a minimum for my sanity and especially Greg's ;)
We were able to see our little nugget and see the heart beat and it was amazing! I feel more like a mom now and have taken steps to be more conscious of what I eat, drink and even how I feel. Everything is focused on making baby as healthy and strong as possible!!
I have to give a lot of credit to my fabulous hubby! He was so supportive and loving through the whole day and is taking huge steps to make sure our new little family is going to be safe and secured :)
He purchased a daddy car and got rid of the Charger last week and has not one regret over it! I am still trying to stay active but most days are filled with small bouts of energy and naps :)
We are enjoying this alone time we have before it's interrupted but very much welcomed by diaper changes, nursing, crying, burping, spit ect..
Funny how all those gross things turn into enjoyable, cute times with your baby..huh? oh well, I never thought this would be me but it is and I love it!
We go back in 3 weeks so please stay tuned and maybe a baby bump photo will follow :)
In the meantime enjoy the little sweet pea's first photo!

In Baby Health,
Alma Gormley

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