Tuesday, June 7, 2011

10 weeks: Baby Bump Pictures and more!!!!!!!!

Okay, Okay, so here is the first baby bump image! I'm obviously trying to still pose like a bikini model...ha-ha! and my client is hilarious and a sport to pose with me :)
Life for week 10 has been great! We have survived the dreadful headaches and dizzy spells, I'm eating more! and Greg is turning into my 'Super Husband'

Last night after a LOOOONG day at the gym and hating this Texas heat, all I wanted to do was hit the pillow and sleep! Greg went to go play tennis and I didn't mind bc I wasn't gonna be much for conversation...
He must of read a baby book (which he does every week :)) because I came home to a nice home cooked meal! and HEALTHY!!!!

Yep! My hubby really made that yummy healthy meal :) I taught him well.....
My belly seems to be growing at a rapid pace these days and all I really can complain about this week is my sleeping positions :( I just cant seem to find a comfortable position for me and little boobie... I placed a pillow on my right side bc my nurse told me that I need to sleep on my left which absolutely s*cks because that's where all my injuries are! Oh well, anything to make sure this baby is healthy and strong.  I am thinking of investing in a body prego pillow that goes all the way around your body, life a noodle but don't know if it will be comfortable. Anyway, I'm seeing that 2nd trimester light, only 2 weeks to go! woohoo!!
Oh and Greg and I have decided NOT TO FIND OUT THE SEX OF THE BABY!!! So, this little kiddo is gonna be a surprise for everyone :)
Well, that's it from the Baby Gormley household and one last photo:
This is with my older sister Lisa, I find this hilarious because not only am I growing out, I am also growing taller!! ha-ha! lol.
God Bless.... In Baby Health,
Alma and baby Gormley


  1. I am totally loving your blog! The pictures are awesome. Yes buy a body pillow, you wont regret it. You are adorable and I want to rub your belly!

  2. The belly is getting bigger!
