Friday, June 3, 2011

The twilight zone...starring Baby Gormley :)

Well, I am officially 9 weeks and counting! Actually 9 and a half :)
I read this is the last week of the EMBRYONIC stage and I officially enter the FETAL baby is already growing up sooo fast ;)
I had, as a new pregnant mom, a scare this week...Tues: I was browsing at Marshalls because I really need some shorts that FIT ME! and the floor started to move! OMG! I'm not in California so I know it's not an earthquake! I had to hold onto a rack and compose myself. I made it to the checkout (priorities) and drove home, 2 miles away.
I rested for at least an our then headed to gym to meet a client. I also did a short workout while waiting for her to get there :) That evening Greg came home to find me in bed in agony with leg cramps, an upset stomach and a really, really bad headache :(
the next day I woke up feeling fine and went to start my day at the gym with my 6:30am client, I had a 30min. break and ran and got some oj and a taco :) then trained some more, needless to say I didn't get to eat again until over 4 hours later, which I KNOW IS BIG NO-NO, I preach it ALL THE TIME!
That night, Headache, but this time...I was sooo dizzy I had to hold the walls to walk from my bedroom to the dining area. Greg was home with me and made sure I was ok. I've been taking tylenol but no relief :(
That night I took 1/2 a benadryl thinking it might be allergies. It made things worse! I woke up with a bloody nose and my head was pounding uncontrollably! Greg helped me take care of my nose and massaged my head but needless to say, I was miserable again :(
The next morning Greg had to leave for work and I got up to meet my first client. I was still disoriented but just decided to power through it and call my Dr. when I was done. I called the nurse from my Dr. office and she asked me to come in right away. That made me nervous, "why don't they just prescribe me something? Why do I have to drive all the way to the Dr. office...ugh!" Well, my dad drove me (Greg offered but I was closer S. at this point) and I saw the nurse practitioner.
Seriously lady? do you know who you are talking too? I have been counting everything that goes into my mouth for years and you're saying its not enough? They did weigh me and I haven't gained much weight since my last visit which isn't bad or good?
I felt like I was definitely in the twilight zone! Everything that I know about my (pre-prego) body was foreign to me! She even said, "even if it's fast food, just eat!" OMG! how can you say that?!?! ha-ha! This would be all my clients DREAM ADVICE, I wouldn't dare tell them Ive been ordered to eat more, even fast food!?
Your talking to Miss Clean Eating Queen! Yes, Yes, I have eaten pizza and the occasional burger but lately I haven;t been able to stomach even a grape! I started thinking long and hard about this new frontier starring Baby Gormley. I started thinking how Baby Gormley is in charge now and I am just the vessel to keep him/her safe, healthy and strong. One of the reasons I wanted to be pregnant was because, Greg and I both agreed we are ready to make our life more than just bout us and here is where it definitely begins :)
So every sacrificial bite of ice cream, chicken nuggets, chips and queso, and pineapple upside down cake has purpose! ha-ha!
Of course I will still have my Broccoli, egg whites, brown rice and oatmeal but this is the Twilight Zone for me and the star is Baby Gormley :)
I do have a photo to upload but will have to do it next time or later on facebook...Stay tuned! Oh and I was prescribed a stronger med for tension headaches that is baby friendly and it seems to work! So, I am feeling relief and I am EATING!
In Baby Health and Love,
Alma Gormley

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