Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The 2 little pink lines..

Well, Greg and I have only been married 2 and a half months but we really, really wanted to try to have a baby within this first year of marriage for many reasons.
First off, I am no spring chicken! and even though I can run, jump,and push up my heart out, GOD only equipped me with a certain amount of time to well, have a baby :)
But according to my sister's Dutch Mother-in law, a woman in Holland gave birth at age 65! I only have one thing to say to that, NO THANKS!ha-ha
I was frustrated during Easter weekend thinking, "This is never going to happen!", "I'm going to be cursed going through some infertility issues and have to wait years!"
But then a little miracle happened...Greg and I came home that night from our fun Easter, family celebration completely exhausted.
I was getting ready for bed and looked at him and said, "Can you pray with me over my belly?" His sister had a priest over for Easter lunch.He reminded all of us how prayers are answered and that is the truth!Before lunch we prayed the rosary, and then prayed over the Easter meal, and just laughed, told stories and prayed some more! So, needless to say, it was a day full of prayer. :)
So, that night, Greg led a nice little prayer over my belly and we could feel each others love, and eagerness for the miracle of life to happen. Then we kissed goodnight. Life the next day was as usual.
I had noticed in the previous weeks that I was getting winded during my aerobic/boot camp classes. I had to stop and give more instruction than participate, which was an ego punch ;) Monday was the day I could take a pregnancy test if I wanted to but for some reason, I didn't leap out of bed like previous times before and rush to Walgreen's,then come home and rip the box open to take the test asap. This particular Monday I was at peace with God's will. Our Easter day and night gave me such hope for my marriage and our life together, that I didn't feel the urgency to take a test. But wait? I could take it if I wanted to? What was I waiting for?
After training my morning clients and running a few errands, nothing else happened that day that was supposed to (if you know what I mean;)). I decided to go to Walgreen's, said hi to the cashier Betty, (she knew my mission by now), and brought another home pregnancy test.

I think this would be test number twenty something but who's counting :)

Well, I made lunch, did laundry, washed dishes, and just about anything I could to avoid that pink box staring me down.
I looked at the cross over my entry door, and said ," Lord, whatever your will is I accept." and with that opened the box and took the test.
Now, as I was aiming for it, I actually was slowly reciting the Our Father..ha-ha!
I sat there for a minute just repeating to myself, "Whatever your will is, I will accept it." and flipped the test over and there it was, staring me straight in the face...the 2 pink lines I have been waiting to see for MONTHS! Still sitting you know where, I burst into tears with joy! Alone in my bathroom, seated, holding my stick, I cried and said, "Thank you!"
Now the next task..."Who do I tell first!?!?" ha-ha! Well, I called Greg of course, and by now I was on the couch in the living room. He was at work and I just said, " The test gave me 2 pink lines!" He had no idea what I was talking about. Then I said, "I'm Pregnant!" and dead silence....uh, hello! He said he felt a rush of heat over his body and his stomach full of butterflies.
When he came home that night, I still had the stick, and the back up one (I had to know for sure!), and he started to tear up. He hugged me and said to GOD, Thank you.
My first appointment is May 17th but I have been reading and planning as much as I can at this early stage. It's funny how things that worried us before just don't matter as much. This little blessing doesn't know how loved he/she is and is going to be. I hope to post more on a weekly basis to keep friends and family in the know of what's going on so stay tuned for the next Gormley Baby Bump Post!

in health with baby,
Alma Gormley